My math question showed me a scientific notation on the calculator which represents

(6E-7). My answer to this question is

(-6,000,000) am I correct.

no, that E-7 means 10^-7 not -10^7

I recalculated and my answer is (0.00000006) am I correct. What does the hyphen sign mean thanks

No, your answer is not correct. The scientific notation (6E-7) represents the number 6 multiplied by 10 raised to the power of -7. In scientific notation, a negative exponent means the number is very small.

To convert from scientific notation to standard form, you need to multiply the number by the power of 10. In this case, you need to multiply 6 by 10 raised to the power of -7.

6 * 10^(-7) = 6 * 1/10^7 = 6/10^7

Simplifying further, 6/10^7 can be written as 0.0000006.

So, the correct answer is (-0.0000006) or (-6E-7).