(a) A charged particle accelerates as it moves from location A to location B. If

V A = 170 V
V B = 210 V,
what is the sign of the charged particle?

(b) A proton gains electric potential energy as it moves from point 1 to point 2. Which of the following is true regarding the electric potential at points 1 and 2?

V 1 = V 2

V 1 > V 2

V 1 < V 2

b) it would be V1<V2

(a) Based on the given information, the potential at location B (V B = 210 V) is higher than at location A (V A = 170 V). Since a positively charged particle accelerates from lower potential to higher potential, the charged particle must be negative.

(b) If a proton gains electric potential energy as it moves from point 1 to point 2, it means that the potential at point 2 (V 2) is higher than at point 1 (V 1). Therefore, the correct answer is V 1 < V 2.

To determine the sign of the charged particle in question (a), we need to understand the concept of electric potential. Electric potential, denoted by V, is a scalar quantity that represents the electric potential energy per unit charge at a specific point in space. It is measured in volts (V).

In this scenario, the charged particle is accelerating from location A to location B. The electric potential at location A is given as V_A = 170 V, and the electric potential at location B is given as V_B = 210 V.

To determine the sign of the charged particle, we need to consider how it would behave in an electric field. Positive charges are repelled by positive potential, while negative charges are attracted to positive potential.

Since the electric potential is higher at location B (210 V) compared to location A (170 V), we can conclude that the charged particle is being accelerated towards the higher potential. Therefore, based on this information, the sign of the charged particle in this scenario is negative.

Moving on to question (b), which asks about the electric potential at different points. If a proton gains electric potential energy as it moves from point 1 to point 2, it means that the electric potential at point 2 is greater than the electric potential at point 1.

Therefore, the correct answer is V1 < V2, implying that the electric potential at point 1 is less than the electric potential at point 2.