What part of this selection from The Woman Warrior best illustrates the complications faced by bicultural families?

A. Brave Orchid’s memory of Ellis Island and her own immigration experience
B. Brave Orchid’s concerns about her son in Vietnam
C. the conflict between Brave Orchid and her children
D. the meeting between Brave Orchid and Moon Orchid


I don't think so, although I haven't read this book. This analysis of Brave Orchid indicates a better choice than B.


I had A but that's wrong , D ?

To determine the part of the selection in The Woman Warrior that best illustrates the complications faced by bicultural families, let's review the options:

A. Brave Orchid's memory of Ellis Island and her own immigration experience.
B. Brave Orchid's concerns about her son in Vietnam.
C. The conflict between Brave Orchid and her children.
D. The meeting between Brave Orchid and Moon Orchid.

Option B, Brave Orchid's concerns about her son in Vietnam, is the best choice to illustrate the complications faced by bicultural families. In this part of the selection, Brave Orchid is worried about her son's well-being in a different country, highlighting the challenges and complexities that arise in families with members living in different cultural contexts.

To find the answer, you would need to analyze the text of The Woman Warrior, paying attention to the interactions and situations described between characters that showcase the complexities of bicultural families.