my english teacher assigned me a summer assignment and one of the question says:
2. Writing raises questions. Write a wonder question the book raises for you. Wonder questions ask about the significance of something you observe; they are analysis, not summary questions. Then explain why you want to know the answer to show your thoughtful consideration of the text.

and i am not able to make out what to write
please help me
i would be really gratefulto any help you can provide
thank you

I wonder why a bug has six legs? I wonder why my mom knows what I am about to say? I wonder why ice cream melts?

Now, why don't you wonder about something in the book?

A wonder question is a type of question that goes beyond the surface-level understanding of a topic or text and delves deeper into its significance. It is a thought-provoking question that allows you to explore the analysis and interpretation of what you observe.

To create a wonder question, think about an aspect of the book that sparks your curiosity or makes you ponder its meaning. It should not be a question that can be answered with a simple yes or no, but rather a question that requires thoughtful consideration and analysis.

For example, if you are reading a book about the impact of technology on society, you might come up with a wonder question like:

- How does the rapid advancement of technology in the story reflect the real-world technological advancements of our time?

To explain why you want to know the answer to your wonder question, consider the significance or implications it holds within the context of the text. In this case, you might explain that understanding the relationship between the fictional portrayal of technology and its connection to real-world advancements would enhance your understanding of the author's message about the potential consequences of technological progress.

Remember, the purpose of a wonder question is to demonstrate your ability to think critically and engage with the text. So, take your time to reflect on the book's themes, characters, or events, and formulate a question that goes beyond a simple summary.