Which Party endorsed the Wilmot Proviso?

1. Whig
2. free-soil
3. democratic **
4. republican
** what i think is right.


free soil


The correct answer is the Democratic Party. To find the answer to this question, you can utilize a few different methods.

1. Read credible sources: Consult reliable textbooks, history books, or academic articles specifically focusing on the Wilmot Proviso and its historical context. These sources often provide information about the political parties involved in endorsing or opposing the Wilmot Proviso.

2. Conduct online research: Use search engines to look for reliable sources that discuss the Wilmot Proviso and its political context. Government websites, educational institutions, or reputable history-focused websites are good places to start your search.

3. Consult historical documents: Review primary source materials, such as letters, speeches, or official documents from the time period when the Wilmot Proviso was debated or introduced. These documents may mention which party supported or endorsed the proviso.

In this case, after conducting the necessary research, you can conclude that the Democratic Party endorsed the Wilmot Proviso.