Which statement best explains how Ralph Waldo Emerson, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Ned Buntline were similar?

They all attempted to revive traditional religious values.

They were all founders of influential social-reform movements.

They all shaped the literary culture in the United States.

They were all strongly influenced by the ideals of Transcendentalism.

is it c

pls help me ms sue or reed

Yes. I agree.

To determine which statement best explains how Ralph Waldo Emerson, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Ned Buntline were similar, we can examine the provided options and assess each one.

Option A states that they all attempted to revive traditional religious values. While Emerson and Stowe both explored religious themes in their work, it cannot be said that they specifically aimed to revive traditional religious values. Additionally, Ned Buntline, who was primarily known as a writer of adventure stories, did not focus on religious revival. So, option A is not the best explanation.

Option B suggests that they were all founders of influential social-reform movements. While Harriet Beecher Stowe played a pivotal role in the abolitionist movement through her influential novel, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," Emerson and Buntline were not primarily involved in social reform movements. Therefore, option B is not a comprehensive explanation either.

Option D proposes that they were all strongly influenced by the ideals of Transcendentalism. This option is more accurate. Ralph Waldo Emerson is considered one of the leading figures of the Transcendentalist movement, while Stowe's work shows some influence from Transcendentalist ideas. While Ned Buntline's connection to Transcendentalism is less evident, this option still provides the best overall explanation.

Finally, option C states that they all shaped the literary culture in the United States. This option is partially true, as Emerson and Stowe had significant influence on American literature. However, Ned Buntline's impact on literary culture is less substantial. Therefore, option C is not the most accurate explanation.

Based on the analysis, option D, which states that they were all strongly influenced by the ideals of Transcendentalism, is the statement that best explains how Ralph Waldo Emerson, Harriet Beecher Stowe, and Ned Buntline were similar.