In a famous speech, William Jennings Bryan

A. declared his staunch support of the gold standard.
B. refused his nomination as the presidential candidate of the Populist Party.
C. refused to be allied with the so-called "silverists."
D. declared that mankind shouldn't be "crucified on a cross of gold."

Would it be d?

Yes. D.

The correct answer to the question is D. In a famous speech, William Jennings Bryan declared that mankind shouldn't be "crucified on a cross of gold."

To confirm this answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Search for William Jennings Bryan: Open a search engine like Google and type in "William Jennings Bryan."
2. Look for the famous speech: Look through the search results for references to a famous speech by Bryan.
3. Focus on the speech content: Once you find references to the speech, read through the details to see if it mentions Bryan's stance on the gold standard and his criticism of it.
4. Identify the specific statement: Look for a statement in the speech that aligns with the option D provided in the question, which declares mankind shouldn't be "crucified on a cross of gold."

By following these steps, you will be able to find the answer to the question and understand how to gather information to reach a conclusion.