If concentration of Mg 2+ in blood plasma is 3mEq/L , calculate how many milligrams of Mg 2+ are in 220mL of blood.

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To calculate the number of milligrams of Mg2+ in 220 mL of blood, we'll use the given concentration of Mg2+ in blood plasma and convert it to milligrams.

First, let's convert 3 mEq/L to milligrams:

1 milliequivalent (mEq) is equal to the atomic weight of magnesium (24.305 g/mol) divided by the valence charge (2) expressed in milligrams (1000 mg/g).
So, 1 mEq of Mg2+ = (24.305 g/mol / 2) × 1000 mg/g = 12.153 mg.

Next, we'll calculate the total amount of milligrams of Mg2+ in 220 mL of blood:

The concentration of Mg2+ in blood plasma is given in mEq/L, so we multiply the concentration by the volume of blood in liters and then convert it to milligrams.

Concentration of Mg2+ in 220 mL of blood = (3 mEq/L) × (220 mL / 1000 mL/L) × (12.153 mg/mEq)
= (0.003 mol/L) × (0.22 L) × (12.153 mg/mEq)
= 0.000800466 mg.

Therefore, there are approximately 0.8005 mg of Mg2+ in 220 mL of blood.