What was the "political outlook" that gained a following in America and ultimately served to justify revolt?

One of the things that was an outcome of the French and Indian War was that troops from the colonies learned they could protect their own terrorities, that they did not need British troops to protect them, and in fact, the British troops were not almighty. Americans thought they could go it alone, not depending on Britian to protect them....and, the taxes declared with the Molasses Act (Colonies paying taxes to support British Troops) was a great imposition on the colonies.

I am not certain all this counts as a political outlook...

The political outlook that gained a following in America and ultimately served to justify revolt was known as "revolutionary republicanism." To understand this, let's break it down.

To find the answer, we need to look at American history during the period leading up to the American Revolution. One way to gain a deeper understanding is to examine primary sources such as historical documents, speeches, and writings from that time. Here's how you can do that:

1. Start by researching primary sources: Look for documents written by influential figures of the time, like Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and George Washington. These individuals played crucial roles in shaping early American political thought.

2. Access historical databases and archives: Numerous online databases and archives offer access to primary sources. Websites like the Library of Congress, National Archives, Founders Online, and other reputable sources are excellent places to start. These sources often provide digitized versions of primary documents.

3. Read the writings of key figures: Look for significant works, such as letters, speeches, essays, and political pamphlets, that delve into the political outlook and justifications for revolt. Pay attention to concepts like natural rights, consent of the governed, self-government, and individual liberties.

4. Cross-reference different perspectives: It's essential to examine multiple sources to understand the various viewpoints and arguments surrounding revolutionary republicanism. Comparing different authors' ideas will provide a comprehensive understanding of the political outlook.

Once you've gathered a sufficient amount of information through research and analysis, you'll have a clear understanding of the political outlook and justifications for revolt that emerged in America during that time.

Please note that this response provides general guidance on how to approach historical research to understand the political outlook that justified the American Revolution. The specific ideas and arguments of revolutionary republicanism require an in-depth exploration of the primary sources and historical context.