what is the complements and is it predicate nominative or predicate adjective?

1.Does the lemonade taste too sour?
2.The window washers on the fifteenth floor appeared tiny.
3. Why does he always look so serious?
4. Our candidate for the city council was the winner in the primaries.
5.Will the hall monitors for Wednesday be Charlene and LaReina?

I just want to check my answer but if my answer is wrong, please tell me why

1. Sour– Predicate Adjective
2. Tiny -Predicate Adjective
3. Serious- Predicate Adjective
4. Winner - predicate nominative
5. Charlene, LaReina – predicate nominative

All are correct. Nice!

To determine the complements and whether they are predicate nominatives or predicate adjectives, we need to understand the structure of these sentences.

1. "Does the lemonade taste too sour?"
In this sentence, "sour" is describing the taste of the lemonade, so it functions as a predicate adjective. Your answer is correct.

2. "The window washers on the fifteenth floor appeared tiny."
In this sentence, "tiny" is describing the window washers, so it functions as a predicate adjective. Your answer is correct.

3. "Why does he always look so serious?"
In this sentence, "serious" is describing how he looks, so it functions as a predicate adjective. Your answer is correct.

4. "Our candidate for the city council was the winner in the primaries."
In this sentence, "winner" is renaming or identifying the subject "our candidate," so it functions as a predicate nominative. Your answer is correct.

5. "Will the hall monitors for Wednesday be Charlene and LaReina?"
In this sentence, "Charlene" and "LaReina" are renaming or identifying the subject "the hall monitors," so they function as predicate nominatives. Your answer is correct.

Overall, your answers are correct.