Can you find the word passage which matches the meaning given.

(a) knocked about, pushed off balance

(b) another choice

Find words from the above the passage that mean apposite to

To find the word that matches the given meanings, we can begin by looking for synonyms or related words. In this case, we are given two meanings, so we need to find a word that corresponds to each meaning separately.

For the first meaning, "knocked about, pushed off balance," we can think of words like "jostled," "bumped," or "disoriented." None of these words matches the word "passage."

For the second meaning, "another choice," we can consider words like "alternative," "option," or "selection." Again, none of these words matches the word "passage."

Given that neither of the provided meanings matches the word "passage," it seems that there is no direct match for either meaning.

What is your choice?