How do you find the area if a composite shape?

Subdivide the shape into known sub-figures. Sum the areas of all the sub-figures.

To find the area of a composite shape, you need to break it down into simpler shapes (such as rectangles, triangles, circles, etc.) and find the area of each individual shape. Then, add up the areas of all the individual shapes to get the total area of the composite shape.

Here are the general steps to follow:

1. Identify the simpler shapes: Look for basic shapes within the composite shape, such as rectangles, triangles, circles, or semicircles.

2. Divide the composite shape: If necessary, break down the composite shape into separate regions based on the different simpler shapes it contains.

3. Find the area of each simpler shape: Use the appropriate formula for each individual shape to calculate its area. For example:
- Rectangle: Area = length × width
- Triangle: Area = 0.5 × base × height
- Circle: Area = π × radius^2

4. Calculate the total area: Add up the areas of all the individual shapes to find the total area of the composite shape.

It's important to note that if the composite shape has irregular or complex shapes, you might need to use more advanced techniques, such as integration in calculus, or approximation methods like breaking it down into smaller polygons.

Remember to always double-check your calculations, and make sure you're using the correct units for measurement (e.g., square centimeters, square inches, etc.) when expressing the area.