1. In declaring its intention to secede frmo the Union in 1860, South Caroling was affirming its position on

A.Civil Rights
B.States rights
C.Individual rights
D.Human Rights

2.Which event was the immediate cause of the seccession of several South states from Union?
A.The Dred Scott decision
B.The enecatment of Missouri Compromise
C.The raid on the arsenal at harpers Ferry
D.The election of Abraham Lincoln
3. What Confederate capital was only about 1000 miles from Washington DC
A.Richmond Virginia
B.Lexington Kentucky
C.Atlanta Georgia
D.Baltimore Maryland



1 and 2 are correct. Richmond is nowhere near 1,000 miles from Washington. Are you sure you copied the question correctly here?

The farthest away, Atlanta is a little more than 500 miles from Washington, D.C.

1. The answer to the first question is B. States rights.

To arrive at this answer, you can consider the context of the time period and the reasons for South Carolina's secession from the Union. In the 1860s, there was a growing tension between states' rights and the power of the federal government. South Carolina, along with other Southern states, believed in the concept of states' rights, which emphasized the sovereignty and authority of individual states over the federal government. By seceding from the Union, South Carolina was affirming its position on states' rights and asserting its independence from the federal government.

2. The answer to the second question is D. The election of Abraham Lincoln.

To identify the immediate cause of the secession of several Southern states from the Union, you can examine the events leading up to their decision to secede. In this case, the election of Abraham Lincoln as the President of the United States in 1860 was seen as a threat to the interests and values of the Southern states. Lincoln's stance against the expansion of slavery and his Republican Party's platform angered many Southern states, and they viewed his election as a direct attack on their way of life. As a result, several Southern states, including South Carolina, chose to secede from the Union.

3. The answer to the third question is A. Richmond, Virginia.

To determine the Confederate capital that was only about 1000 miles from Washington, DC, you can geographically analyze the location of the Confederate capital and its proximity to the Union capital. Richmond, Virginia, served as the capital of the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War. Richmond is located approximately 100 miles south of Washington, DC, making it the closest Confederate capital to the Union capital. Therefore, the correct answer is A.