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1. Go to http://www.google.com or http://www.bing.com

2. Type in features of shakespearean comedy (or whatever search terms you need). Press Enter.

3. Read different search results until you find what you need.

4. Re-search with different search terms if you don't find all you need.

Shakespearean comedies typically have the following features:

1. Light-hearted tone: Shakespearean comedies are known for their playful and light-hearted atmosphere, filled with wit, wordplay, and humor.

2. Romantic elements: These plays often include multiple romantic storylines, featuring young couples overcoming obstacles to find love and marriage.

3. Mistaken identity: Characters in Shakespearean comedies often assume false identities, leading to confusion and comedic situations.

4. Cross-dressing and disguise: Disguise is a common theme in Shakespearean comedies, with characters dressing as the opposite gender to achieve their goals.

5. Social hierarchy and class satire: These plays often explore social issues and poke fun at the social structure of the time, focusing on the differences between upper and lower classes.

6. Misunderstandings and miscommunications: Dramatic irony and humorous misunderstandings are frequently used to create comedic situations and further the plot.

7. Fools and witty wordplay: Shakespearean comedies include entertaining and clever dialogue, with witty wordplay and exchanges between characters.

8. Happy endings: Unlike Shakespeare's tragedies, comedies conclude with happy endings, often featuring multiple marriages or resolutions to conflicts.

Keep in mind that these are general features, and each Shakespearean comedy may have its unique elements.

To identify the features of a Shakespearean comedy, you can follow these steps:

1. Define Shakespearean comedy: Shakespearean comedy refers to a genre of plays written by William Shakespeare that follow a specific structure and contain certain thematic elements.

2. Research: Use reliable sources like books, articles, or authoritative websites to gather information about the features of Shakespearean comedies. Some established sources include literary analysis textbooks, academic papers, or reputable Shakespearean literature websites.

3. Key elements to look for in a Shakespearean comedy include:

a. Light-hearted tone: Shakespearean comedies often have a light-hearted and humorous undertone throughout the play.

b. Complex plots: These comedies usually involve intricate plots with multiple storylines that eventually converge and result in a resolution.

c. Mistaken identities: Characters frequently mistake the identity of others, leading to confusion and humorous situations.

d. Wordplay and puns: Shakespearean comedies are renowned for their abundant use of wordplay, puns, and clever linguistic techniques.

e. Misunderstandings: Characters frequently misunderstand each other, leading to comedic situations and confusion.

f. Social criticism: Shakespeare often used his comedies as a platform to critique social issues or satirize societal norms.

g. Resolution: Like most comedies, Shakespearean comedies end with a resolution, often involving multiple marriages or reconciliations.

4. Compile the information: Take notes or summarize the key features of Shakespearean comedies that you have gathered from your research.

5. Answer the question: Once you have compiled the information, you can provide a concise answer to the question, incorporating the identified features of Shakespearean comedies.

Remember to give yourself enough time to research and compile the information properly. Good luck with your task!