One day at 3:00 am the temp was -13 degrees f in Kodiak Alaska. At 10:00 am the temp was 22 degrees f. What was the average change in temp per hour?

total change: 35 degrees

total time: 7 hours

so, average change is

35°/7hr = 5°/hr

how did you get 7

3:00 subtracted by 10:00 is 7 so 7 hours

To find the average change in temperature per hour, we need to know the total change in temperature and the time interval over which this change occurred.

In this case, the time interval is 7 hours (from 3:00 am to 10:00 am). The temperature changed from -13°F to 22°F, which is a total change of 22°F - (-13°F) = 35°F.

To calculate the average change in temperature per hour, we divide the total change in temperature (35°F) by the time interval (7 hours):

Average change in temperature per hour = Total change in temperature / Time interval
= 35°F / 7 hours
= 5°F/hour

Therefore, the average change in temperature per hour is 5 degrees Fahrenheit.