an elevator on the tenth floor goes down 9 floors. Then it goes up 19 floors, down 3, and finally down 12. What floor does it end up on?

anyone who can help me?

Rude much


so the answer would be 5, if you have a hard time use the calculator on your computer! I hope this helped

Yes, I can help you with that! To find out which floor the elevator ends up on, we need to perform a series of calculations. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the initial floor, which is the 10th floor.

2. To calculate the floor after going down 9 floors, we subtract 9 from the current floor:

10 - 9 = 1

After going down 9 floors, the elevator is now on the 1st floor.

3. Next, the elevator goes up 19 floors. To find the new floor, we add 19 to the current floor:

1 + 19 = 20

After going up 19 floors, the elevator is now on the 20th floor.

4. Then, it goes down 3 floors. To find the new floor, we subtract 3 from the current floor:

20 - 3 = 17

After going down 3 floors, the elevator is now on the 17th floor.

5. Finally, the elevator goes down 12 floors. To find the new floor, we subtract 12 from the current floor:

17 - 12 = 5

After going down 12 floors, the elevator will end up on the 5th floor.

So, the elevator ends up on the 5th floor after completing the given sequence of movements.

you have difficulty adding and subtracting numbers?