Why is Romeo intelligent, clever and quick witted?

From Shakesphere

Can someone help me please?

What did Romeo do that was intelligent?

What did he do that was clever?
What did he do that was quick witted?

I don't remember.. that's why I'm asking.

I don't remember either. I last read this play over 40 years ago.

Try this site to refresh your memory.


To understand why Romeo is portrayed as intelligent, clever, and quick-witted in William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, we can analyze his actions, dialogues, and the way other characters interact with him. Here's how you can approach this question:

1. Read the play: Start by reading or reviewing the relevant sections of Romeo and Juliet, paying close attention to Romeo's character development, dialogues, and interactions with others.

2. Observe his actions: Look for instances throughout the play where Romeo demonstrates intelligence, cleverness, and quick-wittedness. This can include his ability to think and act quickly under pressure, his wordplay and witty remarks, or his strategic decisions.

3. Analyze his dialogues: Examine the language and content of Romeo's speeches and conversations. Look for instances where he displays a quick and perceptive mind, perhaps using metaphors, wordplay, or clever arguments.

4. Consider his relationships: Pay attention to how other characters in the play respond to Romeo. Take note if they regard him as intelligent or if they are impressed by his words and actions. Their reactions can provide further evidence of Romeo's intelligence, cleverness, and quick-wittedness.

5. Look for a pattern: Once you have gathered evidence from Romeo's actions, dialogues, and interactions, try to identify any recurring patterns or traits that support the notion of his intelligence, cleverness, and quick-wittedness. This could involve his ability to navigate complex situations, solve problems, or engage in insightful conversations.

By following these steps, you will be able to analyze Romeo's character and pinpoint specific instances that demonstrate his intelligence, cleverness, and quick-wittedness, forming a comprehensive answer to your question.