Which answer offers the best explanation of the idea of Manifest Destiny?

A theory that the United States could only expand so much

A belief that the growth of the United States was a certainty

A belief that a country should share its resources with the world

A theory that land should rightfully belong to the strongest and bravest

is it b

pls help me ms sue, reed

Which answer offers the best explanation of the idea of Manifest Destiny? the answer is:

A belief that the growth of the United States was a certainty.

Did a segment exam, and got a 100% on it. Don't trust this Ms.Sue.

thank you ms sue.

Which statement correctly explains the connection between the Dred Scott decision in the Supreme Court and the revolutionary actions of John Brown in Kansas and Virginia?

a.The case caused many to fear that support for slavery was weakening in slaveholding states.
b.Both let abolitionists know that the federal government of the United States was on their side.
c.John Brown felt that the government would not support abolition and that violence was needed.
d.The Dred Scott decision inspired slave revolts in states and territories where slavery was legal.

is it c

I agree again.

thank you!

Which best expresses how Missouri's application for statehood threatened the future of slaves?

It could have given more power to the states in favor of slavery.

People in the Missouri Territory had no mercy for runaway slaves.

The governor of the territory believed that slaves should never be free.

The plantation owners in the Missouri Territory wanted to outlaw hiring freed slaves.

is it a


or is it c

i have like 5 more questions is that fine with you ms sue

Robert Fulton's steamboat design had which of these effects on American society?

It slowed down the settlement of the Louisiana Territory

It produced a rapid increase in immigration from Europe.

It made the early industrialization of New England possible.

It made it easier for merchants to ship goods around the country.

is it d

D is right again.

Sure -- I'll be glad to check your other answers. You're doing great!

Which of the following best describes the relationship between factory owners in the North and people in the South during the late 1800s?

Northern factory owners depended on the South for factory workers to produce goods.

Northern factory owners depended on resources supplied by Southerners to maintain production.

The South supplied large amounts of money Northern factory owners needed to expand production.

People in the South did not support Northern factory owners because the boom in the North caused hardship in the South.

is it a or b