Half of Allan's test score plus eight equals 50. What did Allen score on his test?

0.5t + 8 = 50

0.5t = 42

t = 42/0.5

t = 84

To find out what Allan scored on the test, we can first set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's denote Allan's test score as "x". According to the information provided, half of Allan's test score plus eight equals 50.

So, we can write the equation as:

(x / 2) + 8 = 50

To solve this equation and find the value of x, follow these steps:

Step 1: Subtract 8 from both sides of the equation to isolate the term (x/2):

(x / 2) = 50 - 8

(x / 2) = 42

Step 2: Multiply both sides of the equation by 2 to remove the fraction:

2 * (x / 2) = 2 * 42

x = 84

Therefore, Allan scored 84 on his test.