A dog is 3/8lb heavier than a squirrel. The squirrel is 3/8lb lighter than the ferret. If the weight of the ferret is 1/2lb , find the weight of the dog?

( x+3/8)+(1/2-3/8)+1/2 was the equation I came up with

You did not come up with an equation. You have an expression, and it does not provide a value for x.

d = s + 3/8
s = f - 3/8
so, d = f - 3/8 + 3/8 = f
the dog weighs the same as the ferret, or 1/2 lb

must all be babies, eh? Or maybe small plush toys.

Reine/Meghan -- please use the same name for your posts.

Seems like it lol. Thanks.

To find the weight of the dog, let's break down the information given step by step:

1. The squirrel is 3/8lb lighter than the ferret. If the weight of the ferret is 1/2lb, we can calculate the weight of the squirrel by subtracting 3/8lb from 1/2lb:
Ferret's weight - Squirrel's weight = 1/2lb - 3/8lb

2. Now that we know the weight of the squirrel, we can proceed to find the weight of the dog. We are given that the dog is 3/8lb heavier than the squirrel. So, we add 3/8lb to the weight of the squirrel:
Squirrel's weight + Dog's weight = Squirrel's weight + 3/8lb

3. However, to find the weight of the dog, we need to substitute the weight of the squirrel in terms of the ferret's weight from step 1. So we replace the Squirrel's weight in step 2 with the result from step 1:
Squirrel's weight + 3/8lb = (1/2lb - 3/8lb) + 3/8lb

Now, let's simplify the equation further:

1. (1/2lb - 3/8lb) can be simplified as follows:
4/8lb - 3/8lb = 1/8lb

2. Replacing the simplified expression in the equation from step 2:
Squirrel's weight + 3/8lb = 1/8lb + 3/8lb

3. Adding the fractions:
Squirrel's weight + 3/8lb = 4/8lb

4. Simplifying the right side of the equation:
Squirrel's weight + 3/8lb = 1/2lb

So, we have determined that the weight of the dog is equal to 1/2lb.

Therefore, the weight of the dog is 1/2lb.