In the diary of anne frank act 2 why wont Mr. Frank answer the telephone

A. he doesn't speak dutch very well.
B. he is afraid that the caller will give him bad news.
C. he prefers to speak to people face to face
D. he doesn't want anyone to know that the building is occupied
I think it's D

You think so? Yes, it's D.

In The Diary of Anne Frank Act 2, the reason why Mr. Frank doesn't answer the telephone is actually C. He prefers to speak to people face to face.

To find the correct answer to why Mr. Frank doesn't answer the telephone in Act 2 of "The Diary of Anne Frank," we can refer to the specific details and dialogue from the play. Here's an explanation of how to find the answer:

1. Start by reviewing Act 2 of "The Diary of Anne Frank." This act contains specific scenes and dialogues that provide clues to Mr. Frank's behavior regarding the telephone.

2. Look for references to Mr. Frank's actions or dialogue related to the telephone. Pay attention to any hints or reasons mentioned as to why he avoids answering the phone.

3. Consider each given option and compare them to the clues from the play.
A. This option suggests that he doesn't answer the phone because he doesn't speak Dutch well. However, if there are no references to Mr. Frank's language ability affecting his phone etiquette, this option may not be accurate.
B. This option proposes that Mr. Frank is afraid of receiving bad news. Look for any indications in the play that support this possibility.
C. According to this option, Mr. Frank prefers speaking to people face to face. Analyze the play for any instances suggesting his preference for in-person communication.
D. This option suggests that Mr. Frank doesn't want anyone to know that the building is occupied. Look for any evidence or dialogue indicating his concern about the building's occupancy being exposed.

4. Based on the clues gathered, identify the option that aligns most closely with the information provided in the play.

So, to find the answer, review the scenes and dialogues in Act 2, paying close attention to any mentions related to Mr. Frank and the telephone. Once you have analyzed the information, you can confidently select the most suitable option.