You belong to a small business owner networking group. The main purpose of the group is to share leads, but occasionally, you discuss global issues. In addition, the group has an online discussion forum.

Inc. magazine claims, "Entrepreneurship is more mundane than it's sometimes portrayed . . . you don't need to be a person of mythical proportions to be very, very successful in building a company." Do you agree? Explain.
Why is strategic planning important to a small company?
What factors should an entrepreneur consider before choosing a form of ownership?
Noting the growing trend among collegiate entrepreneurs launching businesses while still in school, one educators says, "A student whose main activity on campus is running a business is missing the basic reason for being here, which is to get an education." Do you agree or disagree? Explain

Kinda know how to answer some of the question just need little help-thank you

yes look at facebook

Certainly! I'm here to help. Let's break down each question and answer them step-by-step:

1. Inc. magazine claims, "Entrepreneurship is more mundane than it's sometimes portrayed . . . you don't need to be a person of mythical proportions to be very, very successful in building a company." Do you agree? Explain.

To answer this question, you can follow these steps:
- Discuss the claim made by Inc. magazine that entrepreneurship is more mundane than portrayed.
- Highlight examples of successful companies that were built by individuals who were not mythical or larger-than-life figures.
- Explain that success in entrepreneurship often comes from practical skills, dedication, hard work, and adaptability, rather than relying solely on extraordinary abilities.

2. Why is strategic planning important to a small company?

To answer this question, you can follow these steps:
- Define strategic planning and its purpose, emphasizing that it helps a company set priorities, make informed decisions, and allocate resources effectively.
- Explain how strategic planning provides a clear direction and helps small companies align their actions with their long-term goals.
- Discuss how strategic planning can help anticipate challenges, identify opportunities, and mitigate risks, thus increasing the likelihood of success for a small company.

3. What factors should an entrepreneur consider before choosing a form of ownership?

To answer this question, you can follow these steps:
- Discuss the different forms of business ownership, such as sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), and corporation.
- Explain that an entrepreneur should consider factors like liability protection, tax implications, management flexibility, funding options, and long-term goals when choosing a form of ownership.
- Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each form of ownership, providing examples to support your points.

4. Noting the growing trend among collegiate entrepreneurs launching businesses while still in school, one educator says, "A student whose main activity on campus is running a business is missing the basic reason for being here, which is to get an education." Do you agree or disagree? Explain.

To answer this question, you can follow these steps:
- Discuss the perspective of the educator who believes that running a business as a main activity on campus detracts from the primary purpose of being in school.
- Counter the argument by highlighting the potential benefits of being a collegiate entrepreneur, such as developing real-world skills, gaining hands-on experience, building a professional network, and applying theoretical knowledge in practice.
- Emphasize that successful collegiate entrepreneurs can strike a balance between their academic pursuits and entrepreneurial ventures, leveraging their practical experiences to enhance their education.

I hope these steps help you craft well-rounded responses to each question! Let me know if you need any further assistance.

Sure, I'm here to help! Let's break down the questions one by one:

1. "Inc. magazine claims, 'Entrepreneurship is more mundane than it's sometimes portrayed . . . you don't need to be a person of mythical proportions to be very, very successful in building a company.' Do you agree? Explain."

To answer this question, you can start by considering the definition of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is the process of starting and operating a business venture, typically with the aim of making a profit. While there may be media portrayals of entrepreneurs as larger-than-life figures with extraordinary qualities, the argument made by Inc. magazine is that successful entrepreneurship is not solely dependent on possessing mythical proportions.

To form your answer, you can expand on the idea that successful entrepreneurship often requires practical skills, determination, hard work, adaptability, and a willingness to learn from failures. Providing examples of successful entrepreneurs who are relatable and have achieved success through steady progress and consistent efforts can help support your agreement or disagreement with the claim made by the magazine.

2. "Why is strategic planning important to a small company?"

Strategic planning is crucial for small companies because it helps define and guide their overall direction and goals. Here are a few reasons why strategic planning is important:

a) Goal Setting: Strategic planning allows small businesses to set clear and specific goals, which helps alignment throughout the company. This ensures everyone is working towards the same objectives, increasing efficiency and productivity.

b) Resource Allocation: It helps allocate resources effectively by identifying priorities and focusing resources on key areas that will contribute to the long-term success of the business. This prevents wastage and maximizes the use of limited resources.

c) Risk Mitigation: A comprehensive strategic plan takes into account potential risks and challenges that a small business might face, allowing proactive measures to be taken in order to minimize or mitigate those risks.

d) Decision Making: Strategic planning provides a framework for decision-making, enabling business owners and managers to make informed choices based on the long-term impact and alignment with the overall strategy.

e) Adaptability: In a constantly evolving business environment, strategic planning enables small businesses to adapt to changes, seize new opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition.

3. "What factors should an entrepreneur consider before choosing a form of ownership?"

When choosing a form of ownership for a business, entrepreneurs should consider several factors. Some of the key factors to consider include:

a) Liability: The level of personal liability that the entrepreneur is willing to bear if the business is sued or faces financial difficulties.

b) Control: The desire for sole decision-making authority or willingness to share control and decision-making power with others.

c) Taxation: The impact of different forms of ownership on tax obligations for both the individual and the business entity.

d) Capital Requirements: The financial resources required and the ability to raise capital based on the chosen form of ownership.

e) Continuity and Transferability: The ability to transfer ownership or sell the business when desired.

f) Management Structure: The desired level of independence in managing the business operations and the willingness to involve others in management.

Each form of ownership, such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or limited liability company (LLC), has its advantages and disadvantages. Entrepreneurs should analyze these factors in conjunction with their specific business goals and priorities to make an informed decision on the most suitable form of ownership for their venture.

4. "Noting the growing trend among collegiate entrepreneurs launching businesses while still in school, one educator says, 'A student whose main activity on campus is running a business is missing the basic reason for being here, which is to get an education.' Do you agree or disagree? Explain."

To answer this question, you can consider the benefits and potential drawbacks of collegiate entrepreneurs launching businesses. Here are some points to consider:

a) Practical Experience: Running a business while in school can provide valuable hands-on experience and allow students to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios.

b) Networking Opportunities: Collegiate entrepreneurs may have opportunities to network and collaborate with professionals, investors, mentors, and fellow entrepreneurs, which can be beneficial for their future careers.

c) Time Management Skills: Balancing the demands of running a business and academics can develop effective time management and prioritization skills.

On the other hand, there may be considerations against students focusing primarily on running a business during their time in school:

a) Academic Commitment: It's important for students to recognize that their primary obligation while in school is to complete their coursework and obtain a well-rounded education. Neglecting academics may hinder their long-term career prospects.

b) Lack of Development: University provides a structured learning environment that covers a range of subjects. By solely focusing on a business venture, students may miss out on broader educational opportunities and growth in other areas.

c) Risk: Starting a business involves risks, and failure can have financial and emotional consequences that could impact a student's education and future prospects if not managed effectively.

Ultimately, your agreement or disagreement with the educator's statement depends on the importance you place on practical experience, networking, time management, academic education, and the potential risks involved.