Lillian is looking for ideas to write about, and she decides to make a list of everything she can think of

that relates to the topic of teenage romance. Which concept best describes Lillian's strategy?
A. Free association
B. Outlining
C. Brainstorming
D. Mapping

my answer is c.

Yes. Usually, brainstorming is done in a group, but CAN be done individually.

Your answer is correct. Lillian's strategy of making a list of everything she can think of that relates to the topic of teenage romance is best described as brainstorming.

Your answer is correct! The concept that best describes Lillian's strategy is brainstorming (option C).

Brainstorming is a technique used to generate a large number of ideas and solutions to a problem or topic. In this case, Lillian is trying to come up with ideas for her writing on teenage romance. By making a list of everything she can think of related to the topic, she is essentially brainstorming.

Free association (option A) is a technique where ideas are freely and spontaneously connected to each other without any restrictions or rules. While Lillian may use free association to generate ideas during her brainstorming process, it doesn't perfectly describe her overall strategy.

Outlining (option B) is a method for organizing and structuring ideas. While outlining may be helpful once Lillian has a list of ideas and wants to organize them into a coherent structure, it is not the primary strategy she is using at this stage.

Mapping (option D) typically refers to visual representations, such as mind mapping or concept mapping, where ideas are visually connected to each other. While Lillian's strategy may involve mapping out her ideas after brainstorming, the act of creating a list of everything she can think of is more aligned with brainstorming.