Michael ate 1/4 of a pizza and his brother ate 3/8 of the same pizza . How much of the pizza was left?

1/4 = 2/8

(2/8) + (3/8) = 5/8

(8/8) - (5/8) = 3/8

How you get 2/8 ?!


To find out how much of the pizza is left, we need to subtract the portions eaten by Michael and his brother from the total pizza.

First, let's calculate the portion Michael ate: 1/4 of the pizza.

Next, let's calculate the portion his brother ate: 3/8 of the pizza.

To subtract fractions, we need a common denominator. In this case, let's use 8 as the common denominator for both fractions.

1/4 is equivalent to 2/8 when the denominator is 8.

3/8 remains the same.

Now, we can subtract the portions eaten from the total.

The total pizza is represented by 8/8.

So, 8/8 - 2/8 - 3/8 is equal to (8 - 2 - 3)/8.

Simplifying the numerator, we get 3/8.

Therefore, 3/8 of the pizza is left.