Solve the following ODE using the power series method


To solve the given ordinary differential equation (ODE) using the power series method, we will assume that the solution can be represented as a power series in terms of x. Let's assume the following power series solution:

y(x) = ∑[n=0 to ∞] a_n * x^n.

Then, we can find the derivatives of y(x) and substitute them into the ODE to determine the recurrence relation for the coefficients a_n.

First, let's find the derivatives of y(x) with respect to x:

y'(x) = ∑[n=0 to ∞] a_n * n * x^(n-1),
y''(x) = ∑[n=0 to ∞] a_n * n * (n-1) * x^(n-2).

Next, substitute these derivatives into the ODE:

(1 - x^2) * ∑[n=0 to ∞] a_n * n * (n-1) * x^(n-2) - 2x * ∑[n=0 to ∞] a_n * n * x^(n-1) + 2 * ∑[n=0 to ∞] a_n * x^n = 0.

Now, let's simplify this equation and collect the terms with the same power of x together:

∑[n=0 to ∞] a_n * [n * (n-1) * x^(n-2) - (n+2) * a_n * x^(n-1) + 2 * a_n * x^n] = 0.

Let's analyze each of the terms inside the summation separately:

Term with x^(n-2):
For n >= 2, the term becomes: a_n * n * (n-1) * x^(n-2).

Term with x^(n-1):
For n >= 1, the term becomes: -a_(n+2) * (n+2) * x^(n-1).

Term with x^n:
The term becomes: 2 * a_n * x^n.

Equating the above expressions to zero, we get the following recurrence relation for a_n:

a_n * [n * (n-1) - (n+2) * a_(n+2) + 2] = 0.

This equation holds for each value of n.

Now, we can solve this recurrence relation to find the values of a_n.

For n = 0:
a_0 * [0 * (-1) - (0+2) * a_2 + 2] = 0,
-2 * a_2 + 2 * a_0 = 0,
a_2 = a_0.

For n > 0:
a_n * [n * (n-1) - (n+2) * a_(n+2) + 2] = 0,
n * (n-1) - (n+2) * a_(n+2) + 2 = 0,
a_(n+2) = (n * (n-1) + 2) / (n+2).

Using this recurrence relation, we can calculate the values of a_n for different values of n.

Once we have the coefficients a_n, we can substitute them back into the power series solution y(x) = ∑[n=0 to ∞] a_n * x^n to obtain the final solution to the ODE.