English is the language opportunity why bother to teach indigeneous language?

It has many opportunities

English is the language of opportunity ,why we bother to teach indigenous languages

English is the langauge of opportunity. Why bother to teach indigenous langauge?

english is the media of intrusion

English is the language of opportunity.why bother to teach indegenous language?

English is the language of opportunity. why bother indiginous languages?

Teaching indigenous languages is important for several reasons. While English may be considered a global language of opportunity, preserving and teaching indigenous languages is crucial for cultural preservation, identity, community cohesion, and promoting linguistic diversity.

Now, regarding how to answer your question, it's important to consider different perspectives and gather relevant information. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach this question:

1. Familiarize yourself with the reasons behind teaching indigenous languages:
- Cultural preservation: Indigenous languages are an integral part of indigenous cultures and traditions. Teaching these languages helps preserve cultural heritage and keep traditions alive.
- Identity and pride: Language is often closely tied to one's sense of identity and pride in their heritage. Teaching indigenous languages can help individuals maintain a connection to their roots and strengthen their sense of self.
- Community cohesion: Indigenous languages foster communication within indigenous communities, helping to maintain strong ties and social cohesion.
- Linguistic diversity: Indigenous languages offer unique linguistic structures and vocabularies, contributing to the overall diversity of languages worldwide.

2. Gather supporting evidence:
- Research studies: Look for academic research or studies that highlight the benefits of teaching indigenous languages. These could provide empirical evidence supporting the importance of language preservation.
- Cultural experts or community leaders: Seek insights from indigenous cultural experts or community leaders who can provide firsthand perspectives on the significance of indigenous languages.

3. Consider counterarguments:
- English as a language of opportunity: Acknowledge that English, as a global language, offers economic and professional advantages. However, emphasize that the teaching of indigenous languages can coexist with English instruction, allowing individuals to be bilingual and have a broader range of skills.

By following this approach, you'll have a well-rounded and informed answer that addresses the importance of teaching indigenous languages alongside the opportunities provided by English.