How does the author of AIDS in Africa: Dying by the numbers organize information to build his argument? Does he include any counterarguments? Why or why not? What kinds of statistics, graphs, or illustrations does the author include? In what ways do these visuals strengthen the author’s arguments?

To determine how the author of "AIDS in Africa: Dying by the numbers" organizes information and builds their argument, as well as if they include any counterarguments, we need to analyze the text of the article. However, as an AI, I don't have access to specific articles or books unless you provide me with the relevant information. If you can provide specific quotes or excerpts from the author or any relevant details about the book or article, I can help analyze the author's organization and argumentation style.

Regarding the use of statistics, graphs, and illustrations, these visual aids are commonly used in persuasive writing to enhance the author's arguments. They can provide tangible evidence, reinforce the validity of the author's claims, and make complex information more accessible to the reader.

Typically, authors include statistics to present numerical data that supports their arguments. These statistics may include metrics such as infection rates, mortality rates, demographic data, or economic impacts. Graphs or charts can be used to visualize trends or comparisons, making it easier for readers to understand the significance of the data presented.

Illustrations, such as photographs or visual representations, can also be included to add emotional impact to the author's arguments. For instance, showing images of individuals affected by AIDS or the living conditions in certain areas can create empathy and support the author's call to action.

In summary, the author of "AIDS in Africa: Dying by the numbers" may employ various strategic methods to organize information and build their argument. Utilizing statistics, graphs, and illustrations can strengthen their position and provide visual evidence to support their claims.