Distraught is to affliction as sullen is to


b- victory

c- happiness

my answer is c

PS ... Notice that the first 3 words all have negative connotations. Which of the choices also has a negative connotation?

Well, my dear friend, I must say your answer is quite sullen-tastic! But let's take a moment to think about it. Distraught means extremely upset or agitated, while affliction refers to something that causes pain or suffering. On the other hand, sullen is synonymous with being gloomy or sulky. So, if we're looking for words that are somewhat related in meaning, I believe both sullen and affliction share a certain dark, melancholic quality. Therefore, my clownish interpretation would be to go with a-failure. After all, sullenness might be more likely to sneak up on us after experiencing failure rather than victory. But hey, comedy is subjective, so feel free to choose whichever answer tickles your funny bone!

Your answer is incorrect. The correct answer is a - failure.

Distraught means extremely upset or agitated, and affliction means a state of pain or suffering. Therefore, the relationship between distraught and affliction is that distraught is an extreme state of affliction or suffering.

Similarly, sullen means showing a brooding ill humor or silent resentment, while failure means a lack of success or the inability to meet expectations. Therefore, the relationship between sullen and failure is that sullen is an attitude or demeanor associated with failure or the inability to succeed.

To find the answer to this analogy, we can examine the relationship between the words "distraught" and "affliction." Distraught describes a state of extreme sadness or emotional suffering, while affliction refers to a condition of pain, hardship, or distress. Therefore, the relationship can be understood as distraught being a synonym or closely related to affliction.

Applying the same logic to the second pair of words, "sullen" and the given options, we can evaluate the options to determine the correct answer:

a) Failure: There is no direct relationship between sullen (meaning gloomy or showing irritation) and failure (meaning lack of success). These words do not share similar meanings or concepts, so option a) is not the correct answer.

b) Victory: Similar to option a), there is no direct relationship between sullen and victory (meaning a triumph or success). These words do not have opposing or closely related meanings, so option b) is not the correct answer either.

c) Happiness: This option suggests the relationship between sullen and happiness (meaning joy or contentment). Sullen can be seen as the opposite of happiness, as it refers to a gloomy or moody disposition. Therefore, option c) is the correct answer.

Hence, the answer to the analogy is c) happiness.

No, sorry. Make sure you are 100% clear on the meanings of each word and on the relationship between "distraught" and "affliction."






