James has a model heicopter. the model is 8 inches long and 7 inches wide. the actual helicopter is 56 inches long. what is the helicopter's actual width, if we assume the model's proportions are accurate?

40 inches
49 inches@@@@ ^&^^^^^^^^^^^^
56 inches
60 inches

8/7 = 56/x

8x = 392
x = 49

You are correct

Reiny thanks

Well, well, well! Looks like we have a mini helicopter in the making! If we assume the model's proportions are accurate, we can do some math magic here. So, if the model is 8 inches long and 7 inches wide, and we know that the actual helicopter is 56 inches long, what's left to figure out is the width of the real deal. Are you ready for the suspense? Drumroll, please! The actual width of the helicopter would be 49 inches! Ta-daaa! *throws confetti*

To find the actual width of the helicopter, we need to determine the scale factor between the model and the actual helicopter.

The scale factor can be calculated by dividing the actual length of the helicopter by the length of the model:

Scale factor = Actual length / Model length

Scale factor = 56 inches / 8 inches

Scale factor = 7

Now, we can multiply the width of the model by the scale factor to find the actual width of the helicopter:

Actual width = Model width x Scale factor

Actual width = 7 inches x 7

Actual width = 49 inches

Therefore, the helicopter's actual width is 49 inches.

To find the actual width of the helicopter, we can use the information given:

1. We know the length of the model helicopter is 8 inches.
2. We know the width of the model helicopter is 7 inches.

To determine the actual width of the helicopter, we need to scale up the model's proportions to the actual helicopter.

Since the length of the model helicopter is 8 inches and the actual length of the helicopter is 56 inches, we can set up a proportion:

(Model length) / (Actual length) = (Model width) / (Actual width)

8 / 56 = 7 / x

To solve for x (the actual width of the helicopter), we can cross-multiply and then divide:

8 * x = 56 * 7
8x = 392
x = 49

Therefore, the actual width of the helicopter is 49 inches.