When selecting books for young children, you should avoid those that include

A. exaggerated characteristics based on race or gender.
B. illustrations depicting strong females and sensitive males.
C. unusual characters that deviate from the norm.
D. nontraditional roles such as single parents or or people
I am lost..

I assume that A means stereotypes of people based on race.

A good example of an old children's books that were blatantly racist was the Uncle Remus stories.


Thank you I appreciate it

You're very welcome.

I can help you understand the options and make an informed choice when selecting books for young children. The question is asking which type of content should be avoided when choosing books for young children. Let's analyze each option:

A. Exaggerated characteristics based on race or gender: This refers to books that portray racial or gender stereotypes in an exaggerated or unrealistic way. If you come across books that reinforce harmful stereotypes or negatively portray certain races or genders, it's best to avoid them.

B. Illustrations depicting strong females and sensitive males: This option may be misleading because it seems to suggest that books with strong females and sensitive males should be avoided. However, it's essential to expose children to diverse characters that challenge traditional gender roles and promote equality. So, this option should not be selected as something to avoid.

C. Unusual characters that deviate from the norm: This option implies that books with unusual or non-conventional characters should be avoided. However, diversity in children's literature is crucial for teaching acceptance and promoting inclusivity. It's important for children to encounter characters from different backgrounds, abilities, and experiences.

D. Nontraditional roles such as single parents or or people: This option might be misleading as well. Children's literature should reflect a variety of family structures and identities to help children develop understanding and empathy. Including stories about single parents or LGBTQ+ families can contribute to a more inclusive and accepting environment.

So, to answer the question, the option that should be avoided when selecting books for young children is A. Exaggerated characteristics based on race or gender. It's important to encourage diversity and inclusion while avoiding harmful stereotypes.