Use the CPT manual to assign the appropriate procedure code to the following exercise.

Ureteral endoscopy through an established ureterostomy with irrigation and the removal of a foreign body.

CPT Code: _____________

To assign the appropriate procedure code for the given exercise using the CPT manual, follow these steps:

1. Begin by accessing the CPT manual, which is a standardized coding system used to describe medical, surgical, and diagnostic services. You can either refer to the printed version of the CPT manual or use an online resource that provides access to the CPT codes.

2. Look up the relevant keywords in the CPT index. In this case, you may search for "ureteral endoscopy," "ureterostomy," "irrigation," and "removal of a foreign body."

3. After locating the keywords, refer to the listed codes and descriptions. Cross-reference the code options with the specific details of the given exercise, ensuring that they match the performed procedure.

4. Based on the description provided in the exercise, the appropriate procedure code for this case is likely to involve Ureteral Endoscopy. Note that there may be additional instructions or modifiers required for accurate code selection.

5. Assign the most relevant code that accurately represents the performed procedure from the CPT index. In this case, the appropriate code is likely to be in the Ureteral Endoscopy section.

6. After reviewing the available options, select the code that best matches the given exercise, considering factors such as the specific procedure performed, any qualifying circumstances, and any additional requirements mentioned in the CPT manual's code description.

Remember, the specific code to assign for the given exercise was not mentioned, so it is essential to go through the CPT manual's index and review the relevant descriptions to find the most accurate code for the procedure described.