1. what is the ordered pattern of rhymes at the ends of lines of a poem or a verse called?

end rhyme

help me please

The ordered pattern of rhymes at the ends of lines of a poem or verse is called a rhyme scheme. To determine the rhyme scheme of a poem or verse, you need to examine the repeating patterns of end rhymes.

To identify the rhyme scheme, follow these steps:
1. Read through the poem or verse and mark each line with a different letter, starting with "A" for the first line.
2. Look for words that have a similar sound at the end of each line. When you find a word that rhymes with another, assign both lines the same letter.
3. Continue going through the poem, assigning a different letter to each new rhyme sound.
4. If you encounter a new rhyme sound, assign it the next letter in the alphabet that hasn't been used yet.
5. Repeat these steps until you've assigned letters to all the lines in the poem.

Once you've completed these steps, you will have determined the rhyme scheme of the poem or verse. For example, if the end words of the first four lines rhyme in the pattern ABAB, the rhyme scheme would be ABAB.