A switch is closed, a lamp turns on. The switch opened, and the lamp turns off.

What does that suppose to mean..?

The switch and the lamp are connected in series.

In the given scenario, the action of closing the switch causes the lamp to turn on, while opening the switch causes the lamp to turn off. This suggests that the switch controls the flow of electricity to the lamp. When the switch is closed or turned on, it completes the electrical circuit, allowing the current to flow and power the lamp, hence turning it on. Conversely, when the switch is opened or turned off, it breaks the circuit, interrupting the flow of electricity and causing the lamp to turn off.

This scenario is a basic example of how an electrical circuit with a switch operates. By understanding this concept, you can recognize that closing or opening the switch controls whether power flows through the circuit, thereby determining the state of the lamp (on or off).

Based on the information provided, it means that when the switch is closed (turned on), the lamp turns on, indicating that the circuit is complete and electricity can flow through it. Conversely, when the switch is opened (turned off), the lamp turns off, indicating that the circuit is broken and electricity cannot flow through it. This is a typical behavior observed in a simple circuit with a switch and a lamp.