The Transcendentalism movement most directly affected the development of American



popular culture

painting and sculpture

Is it c.
Pls help me ms sue or dr.bob or steve or anyone pls help me

or reed

The correct answer is b. literature.

To arrive at this answer, you can begin by understanding the Transcendentalism movement. Transcendentalism was a philosophical and literary movement in the mid-19th century that emphasized individualism, intuition, and the connection between nature and the divine. It was mainly a reaction against the prevailing rationalism of the time.

Now, let's look at the given options:

a. politics: While Transcendentalism did promote individualism and self-reliance, it didn't directly impact American politics in a significant way.

b. literature: Transcendentalism had a profound impact on American literature. Writers like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau were prominent figures of the movement and their works embodied the Transcendentalist ideas. Their writings influenced and shaped American literature, including the rise of the American Renaissance.

c. popular culture: Although Transcendentalism had some influence on popular culture, particularly in terms of promoting individualism and self-expression, its impact was not as direct or significant as it was on literature.

d. painting and sculpture: The Transcendentalism movement focused primarily on literature and philosophical ideas rather than visual arts. While some artists may have been influenced by Transcendentalist concepts, it did not have a direct impact on the development of painting and sculpture.

Therefore, the correct answer is b. literature.

Sorry this took so long to answer. I don't think C is the best answer.