what formula would be used to calculate the calories from fat for food items which is equal to the grams of fat multiplied by 9




To calculate the calories from fat for a food item, you can use the following formula:

Calories from Fat = Grams of Fat × 9

This formula is based on the fact that fat contains 9 calories per gram. By multiplying the grams of fat by 9, you can determine the total number of calories contributed by fat in the food item.

Here's an example to illustrate the calculation:

Let's say you have a food item that contains 10 grams of fat. To find the calories from fat, you would use the formula:

Calories from Fat = 10 grams of fat × 9

Calories from Fat = 90

Therefore, in this example, the food item would provide 90 calories from fat. Note that this formula applies specifically to fat and does not take into account the calories from other nutrients such as carbohydrates or protein.