7th Grade

Sarah heated two cubes of aluminum to 50oC. Cube A has a volume of four cubic centimeters. Cube B has a volume of two cubic centimeters. If the cubes do not touch each other, which of these statements is true?

What are the statements?

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To determine which statement is true, we need to understand how heat is transferred and how it affects objects. Let's explore the concept of heat transfer and its impact on the aluminum cubes.

Heat can be transferred through three main mechanisms: conduction, convection, and radiation. In this scenario, we will assume that the heat transfer is mainly through conduction since the cubes are not in contact with each other. Conduction is the transfer of heat energy between objects or within a single object through direct contact.

When the cubes are heated to 50°C, they will both try to reach thermal equilibrium by transferring heat energy. Since cube A has a larger volume than cube B, it will have more aluminum material to absorb and store the heat energy. As a result, cube A will take longer to cool down compared to cube B.

Now, let's evaluate the given statements:

Statement 1: The temperature of cube A will decrease at a slower rate than cube B.
This statement is true. Since cube A has more volume, it will have more material to retain heat and, therefore, will cool down at a slower rate than cube B.

Statement 2: The temperature of cube A will decrease at a faster rate than cube B.
This statement is false. As explained earlier, cube A will cool down at a slower rate due to its larger volume.

Statement 3: The temperature of both cubes will decrease at the same rate.
This statement is false. Since cube A has more volume, it will cool down at a slower rate than cube B.

So, the correct answer is that Statement 1 is true. The temperature of cube A will decrease at a slower rate than cube B.