I have to find symbolism and repetition in a poem. I know what the repetition is I just wanted to know if personification is a form of symbolism. Please help!

Yes, personification is a form of symbolism.

Thank you Ms. Sue!

You're very welcome.

Sure! To answer your question, personification and symbolism are related literary devices, but they are not the same thing. Let me explain each concept in detail.

Symbolism is when an object, person, situation, or action represents an abstract idea or quality. It adds deeper meaning to a text by using symbols that convey a figurative message. For example, in a poem, a red rose might symbolize love or passion, while a road might symbolize a journey or life's path.

On the other hand, personification is a figure of speech in which human characteristics are attributed to non-human entities or objects. It is a type of metaphor that gives life and emotions to inanimate things. For example, when a poet says, "the trees whispered secrets," they are personifying the trees by attributing the human quality of whispering and having secrets to them.

So, while personification can be a part of symbolism since it uses figurative language to convey meaning, it does not necessarily represent deeper abstract ideas on its own.

To find symbolism and repetition in a poem, you'll need to closely analyze the text. Look for objects, images, or actions that occur repeatedly throughout the poem. These repetitions might suggest a deeper meaning or theme. Additionally, keep an eye out for any objects or events that seem to carry symbolic significance beyond their literal meaning. These symbols may convey emotions, ideas, or concepts that the poet wishes to explore.

Remember that symbolism and repetition can be subjective and may vary based on different readers' interpretations. So, it's important to support your analysis with evidence from the text.