Which of the following types of information is suited for display on a scatter plot?

A. Relationship between favorite color and age.
B. Relationship between number of pets and favorite TV show
C. Relationship between hours of exercise and number of siblings.
D. Relationship between hours in the car and distance traveled.
Is the answer D? Thank you


Yes, the answer is D. A scatter plot is used to display the relationship between two continuous variables, such as the relationship between hours in the car and distance traveled.

Yes, the answer is D. A scatter plot is a type of graph that is used to display the relationship between two continuous variables. In this case, the variables are "hours in the car" and "distance traveled."

To construct a scatter plot, you would typically place "hours in the car" along the x-axis and "distance traveled" along the y-axis. Each data point would then be represented by a dot on the graph, with the x-coordinate indicating the hours in the car and the y-coordinate indicating the distance traveled.

By plotting this data on a scatter plot, you can visually analyze and interpret the relationship between the two variables. In the case of hours in the car and distance traveled, you could potentially observe a positive correlation, meaning as the number of hours in the car increases, the distance traveled also increases.

The other options (A, B, and C) are not well-suited for display on a scatter plot because they involve relationships between categorical variables (e.g., favorite color and age) or a categorical variable and a continuous variable (e.g., number of pets and favorite TV show). Scatter plots are most commonly used to display the relationship between two continuous variables.