my number is less than half of a thousand. it is made up of odd numbers only. its tens number is half way between the hundreds number and the ones number in size.


To find the number that meets all these criteria, let's break it down step by step:

1. "My number is less than half of a thousand." This means the number is less than 500.

2. "It is made up of odd numbers only." Considering only odd digits, we have 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.

3. "Its tens number is halfway between the hundreds number and the ones number in size." Let's consider different possibilities for the ones, tens, and hundreds places:

a) If the ones digit is 1, then the tens digit would be 5 (halfway between 1 and 9). However, there is no odd hundreds digit that can satisfy this condition since all odd digits are smaller than 5. So, this combination doesn't work.

b) If the ones digit is 3, then the tens digit would be 7 (halfway between 3 and 1). In this case, the hundreds digit can be any odd number less than 500. For example, 317, 137, 517, etc.

c) Similarly, we can check if the ones digit is 5, 7, or 9. However, in each case, we run into the same problem as option a) above. The tens digit would need to be larger than 5, but there is no odd number that can satisfy this condition.

Therefore, the only possibility is when the ones digit is 3, tens digit is 7, and the hundreds digit can be any odd number. So, the number that meets all the given criteria is any three-digit number where the ones digit is 3, the tens digit is 7 and the hundreds digit is any odd number less than 5 (e.g., 317, 337, 397, etc.).