9.6 = [0.128]^2/[0.110][x]^3

solve for x

can you help by showing step by step please?

9.6 = 0.128^2/0.11x^3

Multiply both sides by x^3:
9.6x^3 = 0.128^2/0.11 = 0.14895
Divide both sides by 9.6:
x^3 = 0.01552
Take cube root of both sides by raising
to the 1/3 power:
(x^3)^1/3 = 0.01552^(1/3)
X = 0.24944

To solve for x in the equation 9.6 = (0.128)^2 / (0.110)(x)^3, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Simplify the equation
Start by simplifying the right side of the equation. Square 0.128 to get 0.016384.

9.6 = 0.016384 / (0.110)(x)^3

Step 2: Multiply the terms on the right side
Multiply 0.110 and (x)^3 to get 0.110(x)^3.

9.6 = 0.016384 / 0.110(x)^3

Step 3: Isolate the variable
To isolate x, we can rearrange the equation. Multiply both sides of the equation by 0.110 to cancel the 0.110 term on the right side.

9.6 * 0.110 = 0.016384 / (x)^3

1.056 = 0.016384 / (x)^3

Step 4: Solve for x
To solve for x, we need to remove the cube on the denominator. We can do this by cross-multiplying. Multiply both sides of the equation by (x)^3.

1.056(x)^3 = 0.016384

Step 5: Solve for x
To find the value of x, divide both sides of the equation by 1.056.

(x)^3 = 0.016384 / 1.056

x^3 = 0.01551515...

Step 6: Take the cube root
To find the value of x, we need to take the cube root of both sides of the equation.

x = ∛(0.01551515...)

Using a calculator or mathematical software, you can find the cube root of 0.01551515 to get the approximate value of x.