Grade 7 students were surveyed to determine how many hours per day they spent on various activities. The results are shown in the circle graph below. About how many hours per day altogether were spent on watching TV and homework?

The percentage for watching TV is 13%
The percentage for doing homework is 8%
The percentage for socializing is 13%
The percentage for school is 25%
The percentage for eating is 8%
A. About 6 hours
B. About 7 hours
C. About 4 hours
D. About 5 hours
Is the answer D?
Thank you

Yes. D is correct.

To find out how many hours per day were spent on watching TV and homework, we need to add the percentages for these two activities.

The percentage for watching TV is 13% and the percentage for doing homework is 8%.

So, the total percentage for watching TV and doing homework is 13% + 8% = 21%.

Since the circle graph represents the entire day, the total percentage adds up to 100%.

To find out how many hours per day altogether were spent on watching TV and homework, we can calculate 21% of the total number of hours in a day.

Assuming there are 24 hours in a day,

21% of 24 hours = (21/100) * 24 = 5.04 hours

So, the answer is approximately 5 hours.

Hence, option D - About 5 hours is the correct answer.

To determine how many hours per day were spent on watching TV and homework, we need to add together the percentages for these two activities.

The percentage for watching TV is given as 13%, and the percentage for doing homework is given as 8%.

To find the total percentage for watching TV and homework, we add these two percentages together: 13% + 8% = 21%.

Now, we need to find the number of hours represented by this percentage. We know that the total number of hours per day is 100%, so we can set up a proportion to solve for the number of hours:

21% is to 100% as x hours is to 24 hours (the total number of hours in a day)

This can be written as: (21/100) = (x/24)

To solve for x, we cross-multiply and get:

21 * 24 = 100 * x
504 = 100 * x

Next, we divide both sides of the equation by 100:

504/100 = x
5.04 = x

Therefore, the number of hours spent on watching TV and homework is approximately 5.04 hours per day.

Since the given answer choices are in whole numbers, we need to round this answer. When rounding, numbers less than 0.5 round down, while numbers 0.5 or greater round up.

In this case, 5.04 is closer to 5 than 6, so we round down.

Hence, the correct answer is D. About 5 hours per day were spent on watching TV and homework.