2.241 g sample of nickel combines with oxygen to produce 2.852 g of metal oxide.

Calculate the number of grams of xygen in the metal oxide.

2.852 x 1/16 =00.17825g

I don't think that will do it.

The Law of Conservation of mass says everything on the left must equal everything on the right.
2.241 + x = 2.852.
X = ?

To find the number of grams of oxygen in the metal oxide, we need to determine the mass difference before and after the reaction by nickel with oxygen.

Mass of nickel = 2.241 g
Mass of metal oxide = 2.852 g

Using the law of conservation of mass, we subtract the mass of nickel from the mass of the metal oxide to obtain the mass of oxygen:

Mass of oxygen = Mass of metal oxide - Mass of nickel
= 2.852 g - 2.241 g
= 0.611 g

Therefore, there are 0.611 grams of oxygen in the metal oxide.

To calculate the number of grams of oxygen in the metal oxide, we need to determine the difference between the total mass of the metal oxide and the mass of the nickel.

Mass of Nickel = 2.241 g
Mass of Metal Oxide = 2.852 g

First, subtract the mass of the nickel from the mass of the metal oxide to find the mass of the oxygen:

Mass of Oxygen = Mass of Metal Oxide - Mass of Nickel

Mass of Oxygen = 2.852 g - 2.241 g

Mass of Oxygen = 0.611 g

Therefore, there are 0.611 grams of oxygen in the metal oxide.