When a goal states quantifiable indicator of its achievement such as a target date, it is?


It means you can measure a goal's success (or lack of success) in specific ways, and yes, completion by a target date can be one of the measures.

When a goal states a quantifiable indicator of its achievement, such as a target date, it is considered a SMART goal. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Each of these components helps to define a goal in a way that makes it clear and attainable.

To understand a SMART goal, let's break down each component:

1. Specific: A goal should be well-defined and clearly state what is to be achieved. It should answer the questions of who, what, where, why, and how.

2. Measurable: A goal should establish a way to measure progress or successful completion. It includes using specific criteria or indicators to track and monitor progress.

3. Achievable: A goal should be realistic and attainable. It should be challenging enough to motivate but also possible to accomplish given the resources, skills, and time available.

4. Relevant: A goal should be relevant to the broader context, aligning with overall objectives and priorities. It should contribute to meaningful progress or improvement.

5. Time-bound: A goal should have a target date or a defined timeframe for completion. This adds a sense of urgency and prevents the goal from lingering indefinitely.

By incorporating these characteristics, a SMART goal becomes more effective and increases the likelihood of success. When a goal includes a quantifiable indicator like a target date, it meets the time-bound criteria, making it more specific and actionable.