(Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton)

discuss whartons use of short flashbacks. why are they placed where they are?

Edith Wharton makes use of short flashbacks in her novel "Ethan Frome" to provide the readers with insight into the characters' past experiences and to add depth to the story. These flashbacks are strategically placed at key moments in the narrative to enhance the reader's understanding of the characters' motivations and emotions.

To analyze Wharton's use of short flashbacks and their placement, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the novel: Familiarize yourself with the complete text of "Ethan Frome" to get an overall understanding of the story, its themes, and its characters.

2. Identify the flashbacks: Take note of any instances where the narrative shifts to a different time or place, signifying a flashback. Pay attention to the details provided in these sections.

3. Analyze the content: Examine the content of each flashback. Look for information about the characters' pasts, their relationships, or any traumatic events that may have shaped their personalities or circumstances. Consider how these flashbacks contribute to the development of the story or the characters involved.

4. Examine the placement: Consider the specific placement of each flashback in the narrative. Look for patterns or connections between the flashbacks and the present-day events. Ask yourself why Wharton chose to include these flashbacks at these particular moments. Are they providing context for the current situation, revealing motivations, or creating suspense?

5. Consider the effect: Reflect on how these flashbacks impact your understanding of the story. Do they provide a more comprehensive understanding of the characters' motivations? Do they offer explanations for their current behavior or the choices they make? How do they contribute to the overall themes explored in the novel?

By following these steps, you will be able to analyze Edith Wharton's use of short flashbacks in "Ethan Frome" and gain a deeper appreciation for how they enhance the narrative and enrich the reader's understanding of the characters and their actions.


Think of places in the story when the narrator starts telling about something that happened some time ago ... maybe years, maybe months.

I hope you have read this work because only you can do this assignment.