1. Her brother lives near the sea. It makes him happy.

Which sentence combines the two sentences using a gerund phrase?

A. Her brother lives near the sea, it makes him happy.
B. Living near the sea makes her brother happy.
C. It makes her brother happy to live near the sea.
***D. Living happily, her brother lives near the sea.

2. Mike was running quickly. Mike won the race.

Which sentence combines the two sentences using a participial phrase?

A. Mike quickly running, won the race.
B. The race was won by Mike running quickly.
***C. Running quickly, Mike on the race.
D. Running, Mike quickly won the race.


You're welcome!

So 2. is D?

I also meant to put 1. as A

This is your second wrong guess for #1.

Find out about gerunds here:

For #2, these are participial phrases:
A. "quickly running"
B. "running quickly"
C. "Running quickly"
I don't know how you're expected to choose one right answer when all three fit the description.

Ok, I get it now. Thanks!

1. No http://www.answers.com/gerund

2. A, B, and C have "running" as a participle, with "quickly" modifying it. How can you choose only 1?

1. was B

2. was C

I got them both right, Thanks!