A cell phone company charges by the minute (and partial minute) for a phone call. Arionna’s plan includes 300 minutes in the $20 base cost. If she uses more than 300 minutes, there is a $5 overage fee and an additional charge of $0.25 per minute. Which graph represents the cost of her plan per minute, where x represents the minutes used and y represents the cost?


To determine the cost of Arionna's plan per minute, we need to consider the base cost, overage fee, and additional charge. Let's break it down step by step.

1. Base Cost: Arionna's plan includes 300 minutes in the $20 base cost. This means that for the first 300 minutes, there is no additional charge.

2. Overage Fee: If Arionna uses more than 300 minutes, there is a $5 overage fee. This fee applies once, regardless of how many minutes are over the 300-minute limit.

3. Additional Charge: In addition to the base cost and overage fee, there is an extra charge of $0.25 per minute for any minutes used beyond 300.

Now, let's construct the graph:

- The x-axis represents the minutes used, while the y-axis represents the cost.
- For the first 300 minutes, the cost remains constant at $20 since there is no additional charge.
- After 300 minutes, the cost increases by $0.25 per minute.

Based on this information, the graph would be a step function. It would have a horizontal line at y = $20 until x = 300, and then it would increase by $0.25 per minute after that.

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.

To graph the cost of Arionna's plan per minute, we need to consider the different components:

1. The $20 base cost for 300 minutes: This would be a flat line at $20 for the first 300 minutes, with x-axis representing the minutes used and y-axis representing the cost.

2. The $5 overage fee: If Arionna uses more than 300 minutes, there will be an additional $5 charge on top of the base cost. This would be represented by a vertical line at x = 300, and the cost on the y-axis would be $20 + $5 = $25.

3. The additional charge of $0.25 per minute for any additional minutes used: For every minute used beyond 300, there will be an additional cost of $0.25 per minute. This would be represented by a diagonal line with a slope of 0.25, starting from x = 300 and increasing as the minutes used increase.

Combining these components, the graph would look like this:

$25 | \
| \
| \
| \
| \
$20 -----+-----------------------------------

Here, the line is flat at $20 up to 300 minutes, and then it increases diagonally with a slope of 0.25 for any additional minutes used beyond 300.

Please note that the y-axis represents the cost, while the x-axis represents the minutes used.