Hello how do I say "my future house" in spanish. I didn't want to use google translate because of the grammar.

mi futura casa

ok thank you

"Mi futuro hogar" if you want it formally or "Mi futura casa" if you want it informally.

I'm doing a project. That's my title which one would be better "Mi futuro hogar" or "Mi futura casa"

I think "Mi futuro hogar" would be better but that's my opinion. Good luck!

To say "my future house" in Spanish, you would say "mi casa futura." Now, let me explain how to get the translation without using Google Translate:

1. Identify the words: "my" and "house."
2. Translate each word individually:
- "My" translates to "mi" in Spanish.
- "House" translates to "casa" in Spanish.
3. Place the words together:
- "Mi" ("my") + "casa" ("house") = "mi casa."
4. Add the word "future":
- "Future" translates to "futura" (for a feminine noun like "casa") or "futuro" (for a masculine noun). Since "casa" is feminine, we'll use "futura."
5. Combine the words:
- "Mi casa futura" = "my future house" in Spanish.

Remember, it's always good to verify translations from multiple sources or consult with a native speaker to ensure accuracy.