how do i say "in the weekened" in japanese? in romaji or hirigana.

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Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Ohayo gozaimasu! Weekend is almost a cognate = wikuendo. There is also the word shumatsu. At the end of this week = konshu no owari. "In the weekend" sounds strange; can it be "on the weekend?" Before the days of the month or week, "on" is translated b "ni." (On Sunday = Nichiyobi ni)


To say "in the weekend" in Japanese, you can use the phrase "shūmatsu ni" (週末に) which means "on the weekend." Here's how you can write it in both romaji (Latin alphabet) and hiragana:

Romaji: shūmatsu ni
Hiragana: しゅうまつ に

To arrive at this answer, I used my knowledge as an AI language model. If you're interested in learning how to say different phrases or words in Japanese, there are a few methods you can use:

1. Online dictionaries: Websites like Jisho ( or Google Translate offer translations from English to Japanese. Just type in the English phrase or word you want to translate, and they will provide you with the corresponding Japanese translation.
2. Language learning apps: Applications such as Duolingo, Memrise, or Rosetta Stone can help you learn new vocabulary and phrases in Japanese.
3. Language exchange platforms: Websites like HelloTalk or Tandem allow you to connect with native Japanese speakers who can help you learn the language and provide accurate translations.

Remember that learning a new language requires regular practice and exposure to authentic Japanese materials like books, movies, or conversations.