Based on the context clues, what is the meaning of the word catalpa in Line 27 of the poem?

27: No,m upstate they got maple and catalpa and scotch pine,

A a location upstate
B a species of tree****
C a family of birds
D a dense puffy cloud

In the previous question, what type of context clue is given in the surrounding text?

A antonym
B definition
C explanation*****
D sentence role

Answer choice best restates lines 3-5, beginning with "whited air'?

3 whited air
4 Hides hill and woods, the river, and
the heaven,
5 and veils the farmhouse at the gardens

a The snow falls softly on the land.****
b the snow blots out everything
c snow falls but does not stick
d the weather is cold and gloomy

which of the following is an example of a metaphor?

a Your eyes are like glittering diamonds
b your fingers dance across the keyboard
c your hear is ice
d your lips are as pick as roses****

Which sentence contains a predicate pronoun as a subject complement?

a the best person for the job is she****
b the ground is sloping and uneven
c we wondered what happened to him
d amy is employee of the week

What is the best way to revise the following sentence so it uses a pronoun in the nominative case?

Lauren handed Sarah the keys after locking the door.

a She handed Sarah the keys after locking the door*****
b Lauren handed her the keys after locking the door
c Lauren handed Sarah my keys after locking the door
d Lauren handed her my keys after locking the door

Which of the following sentences uses a pronoun in the objective case?

a He just did an amazing magic trick
b His sister said the solution is a secret
c Please tell me how Mike did the trick!***
d I wish I were as good a magician as Mike

Which sentence has correct subject verb agreement?

a the girls walks to soccer practice
every day
b I hope Mike join us for the party
c You and Susie really hits it off at
the party
d Steve runs a mile every day before

Please help

Which poem? Author>

It's too hard to check multiple questions without numbers.

Please revise and repost.

To find the meaning of the word "catalpa" in Line 27 of the poem, you can use context clues. In this case, the surrounding words are "maple" and "scotch pine," which are both types of trees. Therefore, it is logical to infer that "catalpa" is also a species of tree. So the answer is B) a species of tree.

The context clue given in the surrounding text is an explanation. In Line 27 of the poem, the speaker is listing various types of trees found "upstate." The surrounding text helps explain that "maple" and "scotch pine" are examples of trees found in this location. So the answer is C) explanation.

Based on the provided lines 3-5 of the poem, "whited air" suggests that snow is falling. The phrase "hides hill and woods, the river, and the heaven, and veils the farmhouse at the garden's end" indicates that something is covering or obscuring these objects, which is commonly associated with falling snow. Therefore, the best answer is A) The snow falls softly on the land.

The sentence "your lips are as pink as roses" is an example of a metaphor. Metaphors compare two unrelated things by saying that one thing is another thing, without using "like" or "as." In this case, the comparison is between the person's lips and roses. So the correct answer is D) Your lips are as pink as roses.

The sentence "The best person for the job is she" contains a predicate pronoun as a subject complement. In this sentence, the pronoun "she" is used to rename or describe the subject "The best person for the job." Therefore, the correct answer is A) The best person for the job is she.

To revise the sentence "Lauren handed Sarah the keys after locking the door" using a pronoun in the nominative case, you can replace "Lauren" with the pronoun "She." So the revised sentence would be "She handed Sarah the keys after locking the door." The correct answer is A) She handed Sarah the keys after locking the door.

The sentence "Please tell me how Mike did the trick!" uses a pronoun in the objective case. In this sentence, the pronoun "me" is the object of the verb "tell." So the correct answer is C) Please tell me how Mike did the trick!

The sentence "Steve runs a mile every day before work" has correct subject-verb agreement. In this sentence, the singular subject "Steve" is correctly matched with the singular verb "runs." So the correct answer is D) Steve runs a mile every day before work.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.