Soundproof rooms take advantage of which property of waves?

A. Absorption
B. Regular reflection
C. Refraction
D. Diffuse reflection
Is the answer C?
Thank you for your help and time.

This hasn't helped at all

I agree with C.

uh, whats the answer this isnt helpful lollllllllllllllllllllll

Dear Anonymous,

I think the answer is A, but you do whatever you think is the answer. I haven't even seen this question so I have no idea. Take your time, and it might help to look in your science book and/or look back on the lesson.
You're welcome,
Galaxy Fox Girl

No, the correct answer is A. Absorption. Soundproof rooms are designed to minimize the transmission of sound waves into or out of the room. They achieve this by using materials that have good sound-absorbing properties, such as foam, fiberglass insulation, or heavy curtains. These materials absorb the sound energy, preventing it from reflecting off surfaces and thereby reducing the sound intensity inside the room. This property of absorbing sound waves helps create a quieter environment in the room. Refraction, regular reflection, and diffuse reflection are properties that relate to the bending, bouncing, and scattering of waves, respectively, but they are not directly utilized in soundproofing rooms.
